Keepass linux ubuntu
Keepass linux ubuntu

The only catch is that you must first open KeePass and unlock your database. Now whenever you key in your shortcut keyboard combo it will tell KeePass to auto-type your configured username/password/whatever you setup in KeePass. For the command enter the following: mono /usr/lib/keepass2/KeePass.exe -auto-type The process for this will differ depending on which distribution you’re running but it’s usually under the Keyboard settings. So to find out where the real executable run: cat /usr/bin/keepass2Įxec /usr/bin/cli /usr/lib/keepass2/KeePass.exe the program itself is actually located at /usr/lib/keepass2/KeePass.exe. This software with a beautiful user interface can work offline and provide the ability to use the Dropbox cloud service. You can store your passwords in highly-encrypted databases. Tutorial Install KeeWeb on Ubuntu 18.04 Complete KeeWeb is a great alternative to viewing and editing KeePass password databases. This file is actually not the program itself but a script that bootstraps the program. KeePass is a easy-to-use password manager for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and mobile devices. On my system this returns /usr/bin/keepass2. The easiest way to do this is to run: which keepass2 Next find out where the keepass2 executable is installed on your system On Debian/Ubuntu/etc simply run: sudo apt-get install xdotoolĢ.

keepass linux ubuntu keepass linux ubuntu

Thankfully its also very easy to make work on Linux.ġ.

keepass linux ubuntu

This is super handy and something that is sadly missing by default on Linux. If you’ve used KeePass on Windows you may be very attached to its auto-type feature, where with a single key-combo press the application with magically type your user name and password into the website or application you’re trying to use.

Keepass linux ubuntu